Raven Tanks: Navigating Water Tank Inspections with ROVs

Water tank inspections play a vital role in maintaining infrastructure integrity, preventing leaks, and ensuring a safe water supply. Traditionally, these inspections involved draining the tank, proving to be labor-intensive and costly. However, with the advent of remotely operated vehicles (ROVs), the landscape of water tank inspections has undergone a significant transformation. For those unfamiliar with ROVs, this discussion provides insights into how they contribute to streamlined water tank inspections. 


Understanding ROVs: 

An ROV, or remotely operated vehicle, is an underwater vehicle controlled from the surface. Outfitted with cameras, lights, and sensors, ROVs enable operators to visualize and collect data from underwater environments. Initially prevalent in industries such as oil and gas and marine science, ROVs have now become indispensable in water tank inspections. 


Advantages of Using ROVs for Water Tank Inspections: 


  • Elimination of Tank Draining: One of the primary advantages is the elimination of the need to drain the tank. Draining a tank is time-consuming, expensive, and disrupts water supply, especially problematic for large cities. 
  • Thorough Inspections: ROVs allow for more comprehensive inspections by providing up-close views of the tank’s interior. This detailed perspective enables the detection of cracks, corrosion, and other issues that may be missed in traditional surface inspections. 
  • Enhanced Safety: Traditional methods often involve human entry into the tank, posing risks. ROVs eliminate this need, enhancing safety and reducing the potential for accidents and injuries. 


ROVs in Action for Water Tank Inspections: 


ROVs used in water tank inspections are typically tethered to a control center on the surface, ensuring power and communication. Equipped with high-definition cameras and lights, these ROVs maneuver to offer a detailed view of specific areas within the tank. Additionally, sensors can detect leaks, corrosion, and structural problems, providing a comprehensive assessment. 

Upon completion of the inspection, the collected data undergoes analysis to determine the necessity for repairs or maintenance. This data also establishes a baseline for future inspections, facilitating easier comparison and trend analysis. 



ROVs have ushered in a new era for water tank inspections, offering enhanced safety, efficiency, and thoroughness compared to traditional methods. Their ability to eliminate the need for tank draining reduces costs and minimizes disruptions to the water supply. As technology continues to progress, the prevalence of ROVs in water tank inspections is expected to grow, further elevating the safety and reliability of our water supply. 

For cutting-edge ROV inspections, Raven Tanks is your trusted partner. With a wealth of experience, we bring excellence to panel tank services for government, energy, and mining sectors. Discover more about our offerings by visiting our website today! 

Raven Engineering Group  

1800 770 899  


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